Okay so I have a few things to explain before I get to the adorable pictures of this fun event....
First off, I cant believe that these are the first pictures I am blogging about Gymboree! Gray and I (sometimes daddy too) have been attending classes at Gymboree since Gray was about 6 months. She absolutely loves going and we have made some great new friends there. We generally attend music class on Mondays and play class on Fridays, sometimes we even make it to art class on Wednesdays. The people there are so amazing and truly love all the kids as if they were there own. Ms.Julie is the owner and one of the teachers and Gray thinks she hung the moon. You should see the kids follow her around, she's magical. We decided that we couldn't miss the Pumpkin Patch Party this year, and hopefully it will become a tradition. Gray had a blast!!!
Secondly, I had found the cutest costume on Pinterest...if you are not addicted yet, you should be, but be warned... :)
This was the costume...

(image via sparkle box)
I decided that I could whip it up so headed off to Hobby Lobby. About $20 and two hours later the costume was done.
Gray hated it!!!!!!!!! She cried every time I put it one her and would scream "off" while tugging at the dress.....great! I had made it a few weeks in advance so I decided that I would continue to try it on her in hopes that she would come around.....nope.
The week before Halloween I made the decision that it was not worth the fight and tears and had to come up with plan-B. I knew that if the costume appeared to be clothes we would have no problem. Gray has the cutest pair of high-top converses that she loves, so the idea for the 80's rocker was born. I hope that next year she will be more into "costume" wearing, but if not, I already have plans for a hippy and an indian in my head. :)
Ready for the party with Daddy
"holy cow there are a lot of people here!"
The nice thing was that Gray is very comfortable at Gymboree so the people weren't as overwhelming as they might have been elsewhere.
"Ready to play"
"yay! I love this place!"
This girl loves the slide!
Climbing back up for round two
Thought we should check out the art room...we didn't last long, but did end up with a pretty cute pumpkin
"whoa, is that glue?"
"sweet, let me get ahold of this"
"now after the glue comes the decorations"
Daddy and Gray coloring a pumpkin
After art we decided it was time for a snack. Gray always loves snack time, and the best way to have snack time? with your friends!
(Jenna and Layla are two of our sweetest little friends. Their mom Lena and I worked together at Kerns, got pregnant a month apart, and have become great friends. We are so glad we get to see them at least twice a week at Gymboree!)
No idea what Joey and Lena are discussing but you can see Gray is far more worried about her snack.
Layla (the pig), Jenna (the chicken) and their wonderful dad Trey
After snack we decided to play a little more before heading home..
Gray loves all the fun ways that they configure the equipment. The teachers change it up every few weeks and it always is fun to explore the new set ups
Going up the big ramp
and "jumping" to the foam mattress below
Its always great when daddy is there to help
Thanks for the fun on this night and every week Gymboree! We love being a part of your "family!"
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