Easter this year was full of fun! We had such a great time on Saturday at the Hippity Hoppity Easter Egg Hunt, and Sunday was full of more fun and family. Please note there is not a single picture of anyone in my family in this post, I apologize for that, guess I was too busy chasing our little egg hunter around!
Sunday AM the Easter Bunny had come and left Gray a basket full of goodies at our house.
See he ate his carrots :)
Candy, puzzles, and books, what more could a girl ask for?
oh thats right, a HUGE balloon.
Gray has been obsessed with balloons since Joey took her to a friends cookout competition, not long before Easter, and was given one. They made it thru the whole cookout, the ride home and as they were unpacking the car, the balloon got away. Gray at the young age of two, doesn't quite get why daddy couldn't go get it...honey its probably to Florida by now. She talked about the balloon everyday for weeks.
Lucky she loves this one and hopefully it will help her remember her long lost balloon!
"look mommy, Easter Basket"
"Its all mine?"
"wow, this thing is stuffed!"
She is her daddies girl, she would take one thing out, look at it then organize it into a pile. The OCD has definitely started!
Sunday after nap we headed to my parents house to eat dinner with Grammy, Oompah, Baba, Papa, and our friend Tony.
Opening her "basket" from Grammy and Oompah
"thanks for the ears and the chick!"
I do need to note that this was not the only chick she got for Easter. Baba and Papa got Gray 4 REAL chicks, Eany, Meany, Miny, and Mo. They will be featured in their own blog post soon. They are living at Grammy and Oompahs (with the 12 other chicks my dad bought later that week.) Needless to say, we will have plenty of eggs to go around here before too long :)
Loving her new ears!
"These are great toys, treats, and puzzles Grammy!"
Then it was time to hunt some eggs. My mom and I may have gotten carried away. Between the two of us we filled and put out 40 eggs!!! Gray was a tad overwhelmed. After about 45 minutes she had finally collected them all with lots of breaks in-between :)
Sophie was a big helper. I think she was just hoping for a treat too!
"Look an egg!"
"Ill put it in here.."
"There we go!"
"Here's another!"
"Look mom, I look like a chicken laying an egg"
"This is fun!"
"Oh wow! There are so many more!"
Deep in thought over the best way to collect all the eggs
Gray kept a close eye on Tony, she wasn't sure she trusted him that close to her loot.
We had the best weekend celebrating such a wonderful holiday! Holidays are always full of fun, family, and food around here, what more could a little lady want?