Well there went another New Years resolution....but Im back and hopefully will get caught up with these posts! Before I finish our holiday post, I have to go back and document her monthly update. December 16th, before all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, Gray turned 19 months! She is still talking up a storm and has started repeating EVERYTHING! Mommy has to be careful what and how she says things because little ears are never far away! Gray has also started counting (1,2,3,5,7,10,11...she misses a few numbers now and then, but who's counting? Haha get it? :))
Guess what number I am now??
Nineteen Months!!!
See people, it says it right here!
Counting to 19...1,2,3,5,7,10,11...
That says months mommy!
Sweet, sweet Gray we love to to pieces!