Saturday, March 19, 2011


This week the Pioneer Womans photo challenge was "beauty" photos, and I fully intended to submit a photo....just didnt get around to it. However I wanted to share with you a photo that speaks beauty to me on so many levels. For those of you that dont know my MIL was diagnosed with breast cancer for the third time last May. After being in remission for 17 years the same cancer came back but this time in her spine. Without hesitation she began treatment and has blown me away with her courage and strength. She has her bad days, but more often than not she is smiling, and carrying on with her life with grace and dignity. She gets her treatments here in Norman, but goes down to MD Anderson every few moths for a check up. She is actually headed there this week, and we pray for good results! I have never experienced someone (in my adult life) close to me being ill with cancer. Its a weird illness....
I know that Barbara is fighting a fight that many loose, but if you know her, you know for her, loosing isnt an option. I know that she will be there to watch Gray graduate and get married (as well as our other children to come). I also fully intend on her meeting her great grandchildren. I know that her grandchildren are going to learn so many amazing things from her.
I hope that you can see the beauty, courage, and strength in this photo that I see everyday in one hell of an amazing and beautiful woman that I am honored to call my mother in law.
We love you BaBa!


  1. What a beautiful picture and beautiful post. You and Gray are so lucky to have BaBa and I know she feels the same way about the two of you!

  2. This is a beautiful picture and a very sweet post! You had me crying at my desk :)I will keep her in my prayers.

    Nicole Andrews
