Saturday night after dinner with the Wright, and LOTS of playing, it was time for Grays bath. Hadlee got so excited when I said bath....she decided she wanted a bath too. The girls had such a fun time playing in the tub, even though they had both been cranky most of the night.
Hadlee is our god-daughter and the daughter of two of our best friends, Jenny and Tanner. She is almost exactly one year older than Gray, and knows that that makes her the boss! :)
Gray is so lucky to have a best friend like Hadlee, you should hear her say "gray," its the sweetest thing! The girls are having such a great time playing together these days. Now that Gray is getting older and more mobile, we are both having to learn to share, a VERY tough thing to learn!! I cant wait to watch these two as they get older, we are going to have TROUBLE on our hands!
CHEESE silly girls!
Playing with the cool water fountain Hads got Gray for Christmas
"Hadlee, is it my turn yet?..."
Hadlee: "ooh mom look!"
Gray: "listen here lady, those are my toy and this is my tub."
Hadlee loved the bath brush as much as Gray does!
"Brusha, brusha, brusha"
"Yes mom, can I help you?"
(see, theres the tongue again!)
Too much fun!
Soapy hair-do's
Thanks for playing tonight Hads! We love you!