Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nine Months!

I cant believe that our sweet girl has been in the world as long as she was in my tummy! I remember clearly the day I took a pregnancy test, and VERY clearly the day she was born. Those two days seemed a world apart. Now remembering the day she was seemed like yesterday. How can it be that the same time span can be so different? Gray has made every day of the last nine months better in so many ways. I cant even remember what it was like to wake up and not see her smiling face first thing. It is amazing how one little person can make a couple into a family. I cant wait to see what next next three months brings, I know that it will go by so fast, and before I blink her birthday will be here! Happy 3/4th Birthday Baby Gray! We love you more than you will ever know :)

Im 9 months old!
Sweet smiles
The camera comes out and Gray turns it on!
"wow, thats a BIG number mom!"
Thank you all for continuing to read our blog...havent I been good lately? More fun to come


  1. I can't believe how big she is in that used to swallow her!

  2. Such a sweet post, so glad you are blogging again! Happy 9 months Gray!
