So much has happened since i blogged last...grays 6 month birthday came and went and now she is over 7 months old!! lets go back to november...
we have officially had a baby for half a year! it has been so much fun watching her grow into such a mobile and talkative little person. right after she turned 6 months she became mobile and is now crawling ALL over the place, usually right to the Christmas tree! (pics to come)
at 6 months she was eating all sorts of food, learning to crawl and can even say she has rode a horse! we are super busy getting ready for Christmas but several post to come this week!
6 months!
see...even my sign says so!
at reeses birthday party
my first ride...i LOVED it and giggled the whole time!
daddy let me pet the horse first to make sure i liked it :)
dont you think i look like my daddy more and more everyday?