After we enjoyed the day at the Science Museum we headed to the Chesapeake Lights. Most of us were in on a little secret that was going to person that didn't know what was going on was Angela.
The pretty lights
Grammy showing Gray the lights
I just cant get enough of all the pretty colors!!
I thought this tree was so cool. Such a great shape
Family pic attempt!
You cant really see what is going on here...but...Nickolas is proposing!!!!! Thats right, my big brother is getting married! We are so glad Angela said yes :)
Sweet, sweet, soon-to-be family!
okay, she's going to KILL me for this..I made her do it!!
My whole life I wanted a sister. I think this was the few things that my parents ever told me was NEVER going to happen, no way, no how. I knew that one day I would have a sister-in-law and always hoped that it was someone I liked. I never imagined that it would be someone that I love so much for so many reasons. If you don't know Angela you are missing out. She is amazing! Not only beautiful but so stinking smart. She always amazes me with her wealth of knowledge in so many different areas. (seriously she knows way too much!) She is currently getting her doctorate and did all her schooling while being a single mom. I get stressed out not working and having Joeys help...I don't know how she does it. Nora (her daughter) is one of the sweetest, most well mannered and brilliant children ever, she is wise beyond her years. Angela and Nickolas met through my dad, she was one of his students. The first summer she spent in DC they started dating and after she moved back to Norman we became friends. I truly believe that even if they hadn't dated we still would have become friends, and thats what makes her being my sister-in-law even better. I could go on and on, but I think you get it...She's amazing, I love her to pieces, and I couldn't be happier that I finally got the sister that I have ALWAYS wanted!
A few other things that are great about angela...
She LOVES gray and has know her since she was born. I know Gray will always look up to her.
She loves my brother even though he is one of the biggest goof-balls on earth...

She will help me make tee-shirts for events and stand in the freezing rain to watch my mom cross the marathon finish line with me
She takes me to do things like this....and does them with me :)
Another HUGE congrats to my brother, Nickolas, and Angela! WE love you both so much!
I cant wait for the wedding...I hope its soon and somewhere sunny :)